Be Bold: Tips on Wearing Wigs


Sexy Star Bright Fairy Costume Adult PlusI know of no finer occasion to sport some outlandish accessories than Halloween. Dressing in costume naturally lends itself to extreme looks and bold color, and to that end, one of the most incredible must-haves for a great Halloween getup is a wig. Wigs aren’t just to cover up a thinning hairline anymore.

Ancient Eqyptian statue depicting people in wigs. Image via Wikipedia.

Did you know that wigs have been around since the ancient times, and even the Egyptians wore them.  They are usually made of human or animal hair, or are synthetic.

Even if you are just trying them on, wigs are pure fun to experiment with.I’ve always wondered how I’d look with pink hair, or an afro, and at Halloween, I can find out if a just-for-fun wig works for me, or if there’s a hairdo out there that I should switch to…a brunnette bob, for instance.

wigs - Adult Fuchsia Pink Frenchie Grease WigOr a black one….oooh, better yet, maybe I was destined to be a fiery, fierce red head?

The best part about wigs is that they aren’t permanent, so it’s a change that you can put away in the back of the closet if it doesn’t suit you. Besides that, you can’t go wrong with a one-day wear if you always wanted to give your inner punk rocker a blue hair day. 

For those of us who don’t have that gorgeous mane, Halloween is a great time to experiment with wearing a wig for the first time. It’s becoming more socially acceptable for women to wear wigs on a day to day basis. In fact, a high-end wig made of human hair can cost thousands of dollars.

Princess Leia’s Bun Things

But for this blog post, we’re going to discuss women’s wigs to wear as part of a perfect costume…and thankfully, those will usually cost less than $30. What would Rainbow Brite be without her signature flowing locks?Or how will would we ever know who Princess Leia is without those iconic cinnamon rolls…er, I mean buns on the sides of her head?

WIG CAP NUDEWhatever you decide to do with your hair for Halloween, if you go with a wig, don’t forget the wig tape, and a wig cap to hold your real hair in while you have that wig on.

Happy wig wearing!


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